Tuesday 29 November 2011

Winter, winter, winter...

....Or rather, the lack of it.
I have been very fortunate in my time in Cantabria, in fact, I was told that Cantabria is much like the Lake District, in that it rains...A LOT. However, since I've been in this lovely province I think it has rained perhaps a total of 3 or 4 times, and considering that the day after tomorrow is December this is very lucky.
That isn't to say I haven't been cold here, the mornings here are deathly, though perhaps not the quite the same as home (a cool 5 degrees when I take the kids to school) and this morning the kids had hats and gloves on for the first time, but as soon as it hit about 10.30am the coldness had gone and all that was left was beautiful, clear blue skies and warm sunshine.
I was out in the little town of Somo on Sunday, I walked down about 3 O'clock, it was warm enough to be wearing leggings a t-shirt and light jacket, but I was so glad I had the foresight to put a warm hoodie in my handbag! Without it I'm sure I would have ended up with pneumonia! Standing watching my friends at the skate park, whizzing up and down in the bitter wind was not exactly warming!
I've realised the longer I've been here, that there are so many different people here, from many different places, I hadn't realised that there were so many people from Argentina here, I know of at least five off of the top of my head, and that doesn't include their families! The Santander area really is very popular and attracts people from all different walks of life, I met some french people on a night out, english au pairs, canadian au pairs, germans and more french people, it really is a very multi-cultural place, and although when you talk about Santander people often think of the bank I do genuinely think that it is a very up and coming place, the one to watch so to speak.

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